Do you have a message in life following you around , like a dog wanting a walk or a child needing a snack?
This is how I feel about the message of “you matter.” Everywhere I go, I can’t shake it. Everyone I meet I want to look them in the eyes and communicate from the depths of my soul how valuable they are, how much the world needs the light they bring, how important it is to do the work and if they are a person of faith, allow the work to be done within them, so they are able to live generously with themselves in the communities they are placed in.
I recently read a throwaway line in description on a school website. It reads, “engaging God’s mission and leading a community on mission.” The words landed in my soul, this is my heartbeat. Engaging God’s mission and leading others on it.
Do you wonder what God’s mission is for you, your family, your community? Let’s talk, it would be my joy to remind you of how you matter, and wrestle with what that means in your life and community.
Your story matters
Let’s Talk About Mission!
Whether you have an inkling of what you are called to but haven’t spoken it outloud, have a clear idea but are wondering how to get started or are steps in and need tangible support on your journey, I would love to connect with you.
Schedule your conversation with Steph Today
Your Story Matters.
What would your life look like if you believed your unique story, the one life you are living, is the exact thing God is calling you to give to him so you can co-labor in building His Kingdom here on earth, together?
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Weekly “deeper” posts

With Jesus up is down and down is up.
Forward is backward, to be exalted is to be humbled, to be richer is to be poorer, to be smarter we don’t prioritize learning, but loving.
I can go on.
To be great, is to be less.
To lead, is to serve.
To be full, is to pour out.
Jesus influenced a world through 12 men, 12 uneducated unassuming men - and a handful of women too.
Paul spread the message of the good news by way of small communities of fellowship that met in homes and the letters he wrote to them, often to correct their thinking and actions, impact millions of lives still today.